Am I allowed to talk in the library?

Thu 18 Apr 2024 08:46

What are you allowed to do and what are you not allowed to do in the library? Join us in our series about the library's rules and help us make the library into a cozier study environment!

Study situation library

Yes, of course, you may talk in the library. However, you must consider your voice volume. If everyone speaks softly in the library, a soft sound mat is created that is not very disturbing. Normal or higher conversation tones, loud exclamations, and laughter, however, are sounds that disturb others. Remember that you are each other's study environment, and everyone needs to show consideration to each other.

If you know that you and your friends need to talk louder, book a group room! And if you want complete silence around you, there is a quiet reading room on each campus, G3209A in Östersund, and on the first floor in the library in Sundsvall.

This also applies when entering and leaving the library. As long as you are inside the library's doors, be aware of your volume. And remember to use headphones if you want to talk on the phone or watch something on the computer.

Other news in the series:
Am I allowed to drink coffee in the library?
Am I allowed to talk on the phone in the library?
Am I allowed to eat lunch in the library?
Are we allowed to do group work in the library?
Am I allowed to have snacks in the library?
Am I allowed to use headphones in the library?




The page was updated 4/18/2024